Saturday, 6 November 2021

Ali Made Impossible Possible All Questions Answers Class 8 || Odisha Board || Lesson 1

Ali Made Impossible Possible All Questions Answers Class 8 || Odisha Board

Ali Made Impossible Possible All Questions Answers Class 8 || Odisha Board English Solutions



Read Part -1 and Answer the Questions that follow..
1. Once a thief was caught for stealing a purse from a man. The thief was handed over to the police. The police sent him to jail. The person who was arrested had to be tried out in a court.
On the day of the trial, the man whose purse was stolen hired a lawyer and three witnesses, The witnesses were present when the purse was stolen. The third witness had some problems. He could not come.
At the time of trial, the first witness was called to the witness box,
The judge asked, "When was the theft made ? Was it day or night?"
The first witness replied, "It was day, My Lord"
The second question the judge asked, "How many persons were there at the time of the theft?"
"Five, Your Honour," said the witness. The judge's third question was,
"What the colour of the stolen purse was?"
"Black, Your Honour", replied the witness.    

Comprehension Questions:
1. Who are there in this part of the story?
There are many interesting and introducing characters in this part of the story "Ali Made Impossible Possible". There was a thief who was arrested by the police for stealing a purse. The victim and three witnesses were there . And a Judge to decide the matter of theft.

2. What did the thief steal?
The thief stole a purse from a man.

3. Who arrested the thief?
The police arrested the thief.

4. Where did the police send him to?
The police sent him to jail.

5. Who hired a lawyer and three witnesses?
The man from whom the purse was stolen hired a lawyer and three witnesses.

6. Why couldn't the third witness come to the court?
The third witness couldn't come to the court because he had some problems.

7. What was the judge's first question?
The judge as first question asked when the theft was made and whether it was day or night.

8. What did the witness reply?
The witness replied that it was day.

9. What was the judge's second question?
The judge's second question was how many persons were there at the time of the theft.

10. What did the first witness reply?
The first witness replied that there were five persons at the time of the theft.

11. What was the judge's third question?
The judge's third question was what the colour of the purse was.

12. What did the first witness reply?
The first witness replied that it was black in colour.

Can you guess who is going to be called next? Read the next part and see.


Read silently part-2 and answer the questions that follow.. 

2. Next, the second witness was called to the witness box. The judge asked him, "When was the theft made ? Was it day or night ?" The second witness replied, "It was night, Your Honour".

The judge next asked, "How many persons were there at the time of the theft ?"
The witness replied, "Twenty five, My Lord'
The judge finally asked the last question, "What was the colour of the purse  
 White, Your Honour", replied the witness.


Comprehension Questions:
1. Who was called next?
The second witness was called next.

2. How many questions did the judge ask to the second witness?
The judge asked three questions to the second witness.

3. Did he ask the same questions?
Yes, the judge asked the same questions to the second witness as he asked to the first questions.

4. What about the answers? Are they similar?
The second witness's answers completely different from that of the first witness.

5. The first witness said that the theft was committed during day time. What did the second witness say?
While the first witness said that the theft was committed during day time, the second witness said that the time of theft was during night hours.

6. The first witness said that the colour of the purse was black. What did the second witness say?
While the first witness said that the colour of the purse was black the second witness said that it was white in colour.

The questions were the same. But the answers of the second witness were very different from the answers of the first witness. Do you think the man whose purse was stolen will win the case? Let's read the rest of the story and see.


Read the third part silently and answer the questions that follow..

3. The trial was postponed for the next day. But the lawyer was terribly upset. He scolded the witnesses for giving contradictory facts, But each of the witnesses told that he had told the truth. 'The case is lost. There is no hope of saving the case. No need for sending a third witness," grumbled the angry lawyer.
Ali, the lawyer's cook, was listening to all this, He said, "Take me as the third witness. I can save the case". The lawyer laughed and said, "This is impossible as you are a mere cook. You should know this, Ali". Ali, in his faulty English, said, "Sir, I have been cooking you for the last ten years and you know I can also cook the judge and the Governor. I'm an excellent cook. I know how to make impossible possible. Give me a chance, Sir".

Comprehension Questions:

1. Why was the lawyer not happy?
The lawyer was not happy because his two witnesses gave contradictory statements regarding the theft. He was sure that he would lose the case.

2. Whom did he scold ?
The lawyer scolded the witnesses.

3. What did the witnesses reply ?
The witnesses firmly replied that they were speaking the truth.
4. Do you believe that they told the truth? How?
It is very hard to tell who was actually speaking the truth. The witnesses were arrogantly sticking to their own respective versions.

5. Who was listening to all that happened ?
The lawyer's loyal cook Ali was listening to all that happened.

6. Who was Ali?
Ali was the cook of the lawyer who had been cooking for the lawyer for the last ten years.

7. What did Ali say to the lawyer ?
Ali poked his nose in between the conversation and requested the lawyer to send him as the third witness. He had been cooking for the lawyer for the last ten years and such was his confidence that he would also be able to cook the judge and the governor.

8. Did the lawyer believe him? Why?
The lawyer at first hesitated to send Ali as third witness, but seeing Ali's self confidence he agreed to send Ali to the court. Moreover, he was almost at the verge of losing the case. He took a last chance by sending Ali there.

9. How was Ali's English?
Ali's English was faulty or broken full of many grammatical mistakes.

10. There were errors in Ali's English. Which was the first error? And the second error?
The first error was in the line "I have been cooking you for the last ten years." in which the preposition 'for' is missing before 'you'. The second mistake lies in the line "I know how to make impossible possible." with omission of the article 'the' before the word 'impossible'.

11. Did the errors change the meanings ?
The first mistake, the omission of the preposition completely change the meaning by altering the meaning of 'you' as object of the verb 'cook'. While the second mistake, the omission of 'the' makes a slight impact on the meaning.

12. Can you correct the errors?
I have been cooking for you for the last ten years.

(ii)  I know how to make the impossible possible.


Do you think the lawyer will agree to Ali's suggestions? Let's read the last part and see..


Read the last part silently and answer the questions that follow...

5.   The lawyer agreed, and the next day Ali was called to the witness box. The judge asked, "When was the theft made ? Was it day or night? Ali replied, "You may call it a day, Your Honour, You may also call it a night"   'How ?", the judge asked.
 When the theft was committed there was light, My Lord. But slowly it became dark. It was the meeting time of day and night, Your Honour . The judge seemed to nod his head in agreement and asked the next question,

6.    How many persons were there at the time of the theft ? " Ali said, "Sir, you can say five or twenty five, Your Honour". When the judge asked, 'How ? ' Ali said, "When the theft was committed, there were only five persons, but slowly the number increased to twenty five".
The judge seemed to nod his head in agreement.

7.    The third question the judge asked, "What was the colour of the purse?"
Ali said, "You can call it black and you can also call it white, My Lord". When the judge asked 'How?' Ali showed a purse which was white inside and black outside.
The judge smiled an unusual smile and nodded his head in full agreement.

Comprehension Questions : 

1. Did the lawyer agree to take Ali as the third witness?
Yes, the lawyer agreed to take Ali as third witness after a little hesitation.

2. Did the judge ask the same three questions?
Yes, the judge asked the same three questions as he put to the first two witnesses.

3. What was Ali's answer to the first question?
In answer to the first question, Ali replied that the time of theft was both day and night since it was the meeting time of day and night.

4. Is it possible that the theft time was both day and night?
Yes, it is possible that the theft time was both day and night because at the time of theft there was light but gradually it became dark.

5. Is it possible that the number of persons present in the court was both five and twenty five? How?
Yes, it is possible that the number of persons present in the court was both five and twenty five because at first there were only five people but slowly number increased to twenty five.

6. What did Ali do when the judge asked about the colour of the purse ?
Ali showed a purse to the judge which was white inside and black outside to convince the judge that the same purse could be of two distinct colours.

7. Was the judge satisfied? How do you know?
Yes, the judge was satisfied with Ali's answers. He smiled in a very unusual way and nodded his head in full agreement.

8. Was Ali clever enough to save the case?
Yes, Ali was clever enough to save the case. Using his clever presence of mind, he conciliated the contradictory statements given by the two witnesses.

9. Did Ali make impossible possible?
Yes, Ali made the impossible possible using his presence of mind.

10. Is Ali intelligent?
Yes, Ali is very intelligent.

11. Do you like Ali? Why?
Yes, I like Ali because he was very intelligent and he was very loyal to his boss, that is the lawyer. He saved the lawyer from a very complicated case.

12. Can you think of giving another title to the lesson?

Visual Memory Development Technique (VMDT) :

Whole Text: Take the photograph of the whole lesson in your eye cameras. The lesson has 4 parts. In which part does Ali solve the problem ? Which part is about the second witness? Which part is on the first witness? Which part is on Ali as a cook?

Last Part: Take the photograph of the last part. Listen to your teacher and put your finger on — full agreement, the first question, the third question, the second question.

Comprehension Activity : 

(i) MCQs : Choose the correct alternatives and complete the sentences.

1.    The most important character / person in the story is   

A) The Judge

B) The lawyer

C) Ali

D) The witness 

2.    The three witnesses except Ali 

A)    were present at the time of theft

B)    were not present at the time of theft

C)    were present in the court

D)    were not present in the court


3.    The first question was answered by
A) the first witness as night 

B)  the second witness as day
C)  Ali as both day and night
D)  both the witnesses as night,

5.    The second question was answered by  

A. the second witness as five  

B. the first witness as twenty five 

C. Ali as five and twenty five,

D. the second witness as five and twenty five.

6.    The third question was answered by  

A.    the first witness as 'black'
B.    Ali as 'black'
C.    the second witness as 'black and white'
D.    both witnesses as 'white'

7.    The judge nodded his head at the end showing

 A.    half agreement
B.    no agreement
C.    full agreement
D.    indifference


(ii) Match the paragraph under 'A' with the contents/themes under 'B'. Write the numbers of 'A' in brackets of 'B'.

A. Paragraphs                B. Contents/themes

1. Stealing of the purse.

2. the second witness.

3. Ali, offered to be witness.

4. Ali convinced the judge.



(3) Listening:

(a)    Your teacher will read some of the words / phrases aloud. Tick those which your teacher reads aloud.

purse, court, witness, postponed, witness - box, upset, grumble, in full agreement, unusual

(b)    Your teacher will read aloud a paragraph, You listen to him/her and fill in the blanks.

The lawyer agreed and the next day Ali was called to the witness box. The judge asked, "When was the theft committed?" Was it day or night?  Ali replied, "You call it a day, Your Honour. You may call it a night".

4. Speaking:

a. Chain—drill (i) I know how to make impossible possible. 

                         (ii) You may call it a day or a night, sir.

b. Dialogue — [Rehearsal: Teacher vs, students, students vs, students with change of roles]

Judge  :         When was the theft committed ? Was it day or night ?
Witness :       It was day , Your Honour,
Judge :          How many persons were there?
Witness :       Five, Your Honour.
Judge  :         What was the colour of the purse?
Witness :       Black, My Lord.

c. If in a word, there is  ie, ee, oo, ea', this part of the word is usually pronounced with a long sound taking more time, Pronounce the following words, thief, need, agree, meeting, seem, increase

Session - 6

 5. Vocabulary:

English spelling is very tricky. One way of learning spelling is to see a word, cover it, next write and finally verify. Do this with the following words.
Four steps: First, look at the word; second, cover the word with your left palm; third, write; finally, verify and correct if not correct.

6. Usage 

 Read what Ali said:

 Sir , I have been cooking you for the last ten years and you know, I can cook the judge and the Governor".

What errors did Ali make here in his English ? Can you correct his English? His mistake is dropping the preposition 'for' after 'cooking', See, how the meaning becomes so different in the absence of a simple preposition 'for'. So you have to be very careful about using prepositions in your writing. Prepositions act as gum to join words in sentences.

7. Writing: 

a. Answer the following questions. 

(i) Who are there in the story?

(ii) What did the thief steal?

(iii) Where did the police send the thief?

(iv) How many questions did the judge ask?

(v) Who is intelligent in the story?

 b.    Let's keep a record of the trial in the court of law in the format given below. You may consult your lesson for getting the facts you need to fill in. Some support is given.

1. Questions by the judge

(a) When was the theft made? Was it day or night?

(b) How many persons were there at the time of theft?

(c) What the colour of the purse was?

Witness 1 replied: 


Witness 2 replied: 

Witness 3 replied: 


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