A Minor Boy shoots a bullet in Jamia hitting at the left hand of a CAA protestor Shadab Faruqh. Bullet at left hand seems an attack on left wings by the right wings?
Chinmay Biswal, DCP, South East Delhi says, “….I am trying out to find the facts what has happened… we are looking into it.”
It big co incidence here is that only two days back a BJP leader uttered in a public meeting that they should fire on the country’s traitors.

A Minor boy fires in Jamia over CAA protesters, bullet hits at left hand of one Shadab Farukh. Bullet shot by Right Wings hits metaphorically Left-Wing?
India, 31st Jan, 2020: The up burnt CAA protests got a terrific face-off today in Jamia where an accused juvenile came up with a pistol in his right hand dressed up in black jacket and white chinos and shot bullets right onto the CAA protestors. The protestors from Jamia Millia University were marching ahead Rajghat leading a peaceful protest. But a minor boy’s attack painted it a bit out of taste. The minor boy’s facebook timeline mentioned him a Rambhakt (Devotee of Lord Ram), but his unlawful action seems to brighten a clear hypocrisy of his self acclaimed tag Rambhakt. The boy appeared from nowhere from the direction where the police were standing cemented with barricade to prevent the march of the mob of the protestors. The boy stood just few yards in front the police barricade and shouting some unendurable slogans, shot bullets one after another.
The boy, soon before the incident, was apparently active in facebook. In his several posts, he mentioned that he was a lone Hindu there, and there was no Hindu media nearby. He also mentioned that if he dies in the incident his body must be carried wrapped in saffron clothes.
His blind and open fires hit a protestor named Shadab Farukh causing bleeding from his hand. He is now admitted in All India Institute of Medical Science
The Greater Noida lived accused juvenile was captured by the police on the spot and now he is under police custody. The police are now conducting an inquiry of the incident.
Chinmay Biswal, DCP, South East Delhi says, “….I am trying out to find the facts what has happened… we are looking into it.”
It big co incidence here is that only two days back a BJP leader uttered in a public meeting that they should fire on the country’s traitors.