Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Important Letter Writing For Class 10 | English Grammar | HSLC | SEBA | ASSAM

Important Letter Writing For Class 10 | English Grammar | HSLC | SEBA | ASSAM 

The Following are the List of Important Letter writing for Class 10 HSLC | SEBA | ASSAM
Important Letter Writing For Class 10 | English Grammar | HSLC | SEBA | ASSAM
Important letter writing questions for class 10 seba

1. Draft a Letter to the Editor of a Local Daily about the frequent powercut/load shedding in your locality. [H.S.L.C. 2011, 2015]

The Editor
The Assam Tribune
Dated: 18th Feb, 2021

Sub: Frequent Load shedding / Power cut in our locality.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw
the attention of the concerned authority towards a serious issue faced by our locality. Our locality has been suffering from the irregular power supply and the concerned authority is in sleeping mode. In the modern era, electricity is the driving fuel of the world and one cannot dream a single moment without electricity. But our
locality has been regrettably experiencing unsteady and interrupting
power supply for almost six months now. The side effects are quite
precarious. Towards the evening the power cut shades darkness in our area boasting the courage of the anti-social elements. As the street lights also go out due to power cuts, the roads become prone to accidents. The students are the worst sufferers. They have to light kerosene lamps or candlesticks to finish up their studies. As the matriculation and higher secondary final examination are going on, the candidates are suffering a lot. Even during day hours, the erratic power supply has caused many problems like they cannot fill their water tanks, charge their mobile phones, etc.
In spite of our continuous approach to the Electricity Board, the
authority has not taken any action. Now the authority must replace
the old transformer with a new one. They must ensure steady power supply in our locality or the Board must be responsible for any evils caused by this irregular power supply.

Yours Faithfully
Mr. X

2. Write a Letter to the Editor of your local English newspaper about frequent road accidents in your city. [H.S.L.C. 2012]

The Editor
The Assam Tribune
Dated: 18th Feb, 2021
Sub: Frequent road accidents in our city.

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw
the attention of the concerned authority towards the problem of
frequent road accidents in our city. For the last two months the number of road accidents has been tremendously increasing. More than ten persons have died so far and more than thirty have injured in this period according to a media report. So definitely there is an overwhelming sense of fear amongst the residents of the city. The road accidents are mainly caused due to the harsh biking habits of the youth and drink and drive cases. Moreover, the roads are not wide enough to handle the increasing rush of motor vehicles during morning and afternoon hours. The situation cannot be handled by the few numbers of traffic police the city has. So, the police department of motor vehicles should take proper initiative to recruit more traffic police personnel. The roads should be widened. The youth must exercise great control while driving and parents should not hand over a motorbike to an under eighteen boy.

Yours Faithfully
Mr. X

3. Write a letter to your friend asking him/her to join for a picnic. [H.S.L.C.2013]

Dec 15, 2021
My dear friend Akash,
How are you? I am fine here at my home. My yearly examination
is over and I think I have done well in the examination. How was yours? As the examinations are over, it is high time to relax and spend time with the family. So, we are planning to go for a picnic to
Kaziranga National Park next week. The visit to the park will be
pleasurable and a memorable moment for us. Therefore, I would like to invite you to be a part of our joyous journey. We will have fun together. If you are willing then please correspond at the earliest. I am waiting for a positive response from you.

Your loving Friend,

4. Write an application to your Headmaster/Principal praying for a half-holiday, to celebrate the victory of your school team in the inter-school volleyball tournament. [H.S.L.C. 2014]

The Principal
Gyanweb Tutorials, Dibrugarh
Dated: 16th Feb, 2021
Sub: Prayer for a half-holiday.

We are glad to inform you that the volleyball team of our school
has won the district level Inter School Volley Ball Tournament held on the 17th of this month. The volleyball team wants to celebrate this graceful moment of victory today during afternoon hours.
Therefore I, on behalf of the team request you to kindly grant a half-holiday of the school today. I shall remain grateful for this act of kindness of yours.

Yours Faithfully
Swapna Hazarika
Sports Secy.

5. Write a letter to your friend telling him about your daily life.[HSLC 2016]

March 01, 2021
My dear friend Manab,

How are you? I am fine here. Time is very precious and a good time management skill is the prime ingredient of success. Today, I am going to write about my daily life so as to tell you how I manage my daily life. My daily life begins at 5 O’ clock in the morning with the sound of birds chirping which alarms that another busy day has just started. Soon after I leave my bed, I step out to a nearby open field to have some exercise and to feel the freshness of morning air. Coming back, I have a cup of tea or milk and sit on the study table. Then at 7 O’clock, I start my preparation for school and leave for school at around 8.30 AM. At school, we have a specific routine and life at school goes on in a mechanical way. During break time I have some joyous activities with my friends.
By the Afternoon the school is over and I have some time to
spare with my neighborhood friends. Whenever I have any vacations, I like to visit my relatives and go for an outing with my family. As time is more precious than any costly metal, I see to it that in my daily life, even a single moment is not wasted.
Please write a few words about yours. Convey my regards to your
parents and your brother also.

Your loving friend

6. Write a letter to your father/guardian requesting him/her to send you some money that you need to buy a new set of uniforms. [HSLC 2017]

March 01, 2021
My dear father,

I am glad to let you know that I am fine here in my hostel and my
the examination is going on gracefully. Hopefully, everyone is good and fine there at home. I am extremely sorry to inform you that my old set of uniforms has become unworthy of use anymore. The white shirt has faded out and loosened its stitches. The blue trouser has become too short to use. So, I shall need one thousand rupees to replace my old set of uniforms with a new one. Please send me the money at the earliest so that I can get rid of the inconvenience very soon. With love to you, Mother and my brother Karan.

Yours Affectionately

7. Write a letter to your friend telling me how you will spend your vacation after the examination. [HSLC 2018]

March 01, 2021

My dear friend Manab,

How are you? I am fine here. Our examination is going on
gracefully and it will be over by Monday next. I will breathe to relax when the examination will finally finish. I have a good plan regarding how I will spend my holidays until the results are declared. After finishing the examination, I will have some outings. I will visit my maternal uncle’s home in Guwahati. I have a cousin named Harish. We two will wander about the city with my uncle or aunt. We will visit the zoo, the Kalakshetra, the science park, and many other places. We will have fun in Accoland too. However, I will not spend the entire vacation there. I am thinking that after a week’s visit I will return home. Here I will take a computer coaching class, and join a career counseling program. You know, how beneficial they are in the modern competitive career world! Please write a few words about yours. Convey my regards to your parents and your brother also.

Your loving friend
Dipankar Das

8. Write a letter to the Editor of a local daily expressing your concern over the incidents of crime against women in Assam. [H.S.L.C. 2019]

The Editor
The Assam Tribune
Dated: 10th Feb, 2021

Sub: Crime against women in Assam.

Through this column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority towards a serious issue faced by our state i.e. crime against women. In today’s world, the woman has a discrete role to play towards the growth and development of the country. In ancient days, women had
to face many odd social conventions which curtailed the freedom of
women. Even though modern society has opened its doors to
women, yet the environment in which they have to survive is not as
much more favorable than the one they had ages back. Reportedly there has been shocking growth of crimes against women in Assam. There is at least one news seen published in newspapers reporting such pathetic crimes. Everyday women, have to be a subject of therapists, chain snitches, acid attackers, and whatnot? Witchcraft is a myth. But, in Assam every year many women are lynched in suspect of witchcraft practice. Dowry death has become
very common nowadays in Assam. Very, unfortunately, the number of cases registered for such crimes is increasing day by day. The interesting part here is that many offenses are not reported and go unheard. The society must wake up now. When they talk about equality, they must also provide an unpolluted society for women. The police force must be active and there must be more numbers of women police in the police department. There must be the installation of CCTV cameras in the prone areas. The society must remember that if women are not safe then the society will also be at stake.

Yours Faithfully
Mr. Krrish Das

9. Suppose you are the General Secretary of the Students’ Union of your school. Write an application to the Principal requesting him to grant a half-holiday on the occasion of the Kati BihuFestival. [H.S.L.C. 2020]

The Principal
Gyanweb Tutorials, Dibrugarh
Dated: 10th Feb, 2021
Sub: Prayer for a half-holiday.

We are glad to inform you that today the greatest community of
Assam celebrates the auspicious festival of Kati Bihu. So, the students want to observe it at their homes. For the preparations of the Kati Bihu, the students need a half-holiday. Therefore I, on behalf of the students request you to kindly grant a half-holiday of the school today. I shall remain grateful for this act of kindness of yours.

Yours Faithfully
Khirud Das

General Sec.
Students’ Union

10. Write a Letter to the Editor of a local newspaper about Poor Road Condition of your Locality.

The Editor
The Assam Tribune
Dated: 18th Feb, 2020
Sub: Poor road condition of our locality.

Through this column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw
the attention of the concerned authority towards a serious issue faced by our locality i.e. the poor road condition in our locality blocking connectivity with the outer world. Roads connect us to the world outside. Hence it is said that roads lay the connectivity to development. But our locality is not fortunate enough to have good roads. The old roads are severely broken and have become drastic due to poor maintenance. During the rainy season, the roads are flooded and become muddy. The local residents are the worst sufferers. They have much difficulty to go through this road to
their workplaces. Even the school going students also have to face all the troubles. One cannot think of riding even riding a motorcycle smoothly. The poor road condition has led to accidents several times. The root of this entire road problem is because of poor maintenance by the PWD. Our locality has tried to draw the attention of the authority in their several applications made to the authority. But all the efforts are in vain. So, the authority must consider the issue now and ensure the gravelling of the road.

Yours Faithfully
Mr. X

11. You want to go on an educational tour after your examination. Write a letter to your father asking for his permission and also asking for ₹3000.00 for this purpose.

March 01, 2020

My Dear Father,
I am glad to let you know that I am fine here in my hostel and
my examination is going on gracefully. Hopefully, everyone is good and fine there at home. My examination will end by next week. Our class is planning to go out on an excursion on the 23rd of March to Shillong. Our team of twenty students will be guided by three faculty members and the tour shall last for a week. I hope you will allow me to go with my friends and have a memorable experience in Shillong. For this purpose, I need Rupees three thousand to meet the expenses that will occur on the tour. If I receive the money, it will be the sign of your permission. With love to you, Mother and my brother Bhaskar.

Yours Affectionately

12. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him/her to issue a character certificate. Also mention why you need it.

The Principal
Gyan Academy, Guwahati
Dated: 18th Feb, 2020

Sub: Prayer for issuing a character certificate.


Most respectfully I beg to state that I need a character certificate
to participate in a state-level quiz competition conducted by JIGYAS Talent Hunt Organization. I participated in the district level competition and then selected for the state level. The competition will be held in Guwahati on the 5th of March.

Therefore, I request you to kindly issue me a character certificate
early. I shall remain grateful for your kindness.

Yours Faithfully
Shantanu Gogoi
Class: 10 Roll No: 2
Sec: A