Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Uruka Adventure, Class: 7, Lesson: 2, Assam, English, Questions And Answers, Full Notes

Uruka Adventure


uruka adventure, class 7, lesson 8, questions and answers, full notes, full exercise, solved exercise
Uruka Adventure Questions and Answers

1. Answer the questions to check your understanding:
uruka adventure answer 1
(a)Who was the leader of the boys in their adventure on Uruka Night?
Answer: Mahendra or Mahen for short was the leader of the boys in their adventure on uruka night.

(b)What were the name of Mahen's friends?
Answer: The names of Mahen's friends were Sanju, Nantu, Rinku, and Ruman.

(c)What did they propose to Mahen on Uruka night?
Answer: They proposed to Mahen that he should lead them in an uruka adventure.

(d)What was the age old custom that Mahen was referring to?
Answer: The Assamese community people celebrate the Magh Bihu by spending the uruka night in bhelaghars, have a grand feast and the young ones stealthily pick vegetables from nearby houses.

(e)What was Mahen's reaction to their proposal?
Answer: Mahen was a restless and cheerful boy. So, he was excited to hear the proposal to lead a adventurous uruka night. He agreed to the plan saying it was their old age custom.

(f)What did the boys do after the feast?
Answer: After the feast, the five boys did not went home. Past midnight, Mahen woke all of them up and led to Shantiram's vegetable garden. 


(g)Who was Shantiram?
Answer: Shantiram was a retired army man. He used to farm vegetables in his garden as part of his hobby.

(h)Why was Shantiram sitting wrapped in a blanket? Where was Shantiram Sitting?
Answer: Shantiram was sitting in a black blanket in order to prevent any sort of stealing from his garden in any uruka adventure. He was sitting amid the vegetables in his garden. 

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(i)What was the black heap of garbage that Mahen noticed?
Answer: The black heap of garbage was Shantiram sitting wrapped in a black blanket.

(j)What made the night appear more haunting?
Answer: That night was a black and cold night of January. Moreover, the nightjar was screeching to make that night more haunting.  

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(k)Why did the boys run away from the garden?
Answer: The boys saw a black heap of garbage in the garden which soon came alive and dashed towards them speedily. In fear, the boys ran away from the garden.

(l)What happened when boys were about to pick the vegetables?
Answer: When they were about to pick the vegetables, the black heap of garbage suddenly jerked up. It then started dashing towards them. The boys were horrified and they ran away frantically.

(m)Who did the boys think chased them?
Answer: The boys thought a ghost chased them. 

2. Answer: 
(c) Sanju, Nantu, Rinku, Ruman and Mahen planned an adventure on uruka night.
(e) Just past midnight, the five boys headed towards Shantiram's vegetable garden.
(a) Mahen saw something like a black heap of garbage in the middle of the garden.
(b) Shantiram ran towards the boys when the boys were about to pick the vegetables.
(d) The boys ran frantically out of the garden, scared that the ghost was after them.

3. Answer

4. Answer


6. Answers:
      (i) Mahen said, "We will make a bhelaghar."
           Answer: Mahen said, "We'll make a bhelaghar."

      (ii) They will spend the night in the bhelaghar.
            Answer: They'll spend the night in the bhelaghar.

      (iii) Sanju thought, "When everyone is asleep, I will pick vegetables."
            Answer: Sanju thought, "When everyone is asleep, I'll pick vegetables."

      (iv) Mahen said, "We will help each other to cook the food."
            Answer: Mahen said, "We'll help each other to cook the food."

      (v) They will have an uruka adventure.
            Answer: They'll have an uruka adventure.

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