Common Preposition For Class 9 English Grammar For SEBA And NCERT With Answers

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions form the choices given in the brackets:
1. District Board 2016
a. Romen deals in tea. (in/with/at)
b. He goes to school by bus. (on/by/bus)
c. Why are you angry with me? (to/at/with)
d. Students long for holidays. (about/for/of)
2. Additional | Important | Preposition | Class 9 | SEBA
1. The train is bound for India. (to/at/for)
2. One should not boast of one’s wealth. (of/for/at)
3. My sister excels in dancing. (at/in/by)
4. That man is devoid of common sense. (of/in/from)
5. This film is suitable for the children. (to/with/for)
6. The girl parted with her parents in tears. (with/from/by)
7. Do not boast of your wealth. (for/of/in)
8. The ship is bound for India. (to, for, of)
9. He has been suffering from fever. (with, by, from)
10. Assam is rich in tea. (with, for, in)
11. I prefer tea to coffee. (to/from/than)
12. Shoes are made of leather. (with/of /from)
13. I can’t agree to your proposal. (to/with/on)
14. The man repented of his past misdeeds. (for/at/of)
15. She is gifted with a sweet voice. (by/of/with)
16. Man does not live on bread alone. (on/by/for)
17. Always beware of false friends. (with/from/of)
18. What is the time by your watch? (in/on/by)
19. This is a quotation from Milton. (of/from/by)
20. You should provide well of your children. (for/to/of)
21. He has not yet recovered from his illness. (by/of/from)
22. He sympathized with me in my sorrow. (to/with/for)
23. The old man is hard of hearing. (of/for/in)
24. There was a noise of children in play. (in/on/at)
25. Her mother is in the town council. (in/on/over)
26. The teacher knows his students by name.(with/by/for)
27. Babysitters are a boon for parents .(for/upon/to)
28. I met him on the street. (in/on/at)
29. Please pay attention to your studies .(of/for/in)
30. He is an authority of science. (of/for/in)
31. The teacher is in full control over the class.(of/over/in)
32. Happiness consists of speaking the truth.(of/in/for)
33. One should be honest in dealing with fellowmen.(on/in/at)
34. She is looking for a domestic help.(to/in/for)
35. The burden seemed too much on him.(to /for/on)
36. Health is preferable to wealth.(than/for/to)
37. He is angry with his naughty sister.(at/with/upon)
38. The cow lives on grass. (by/from/on)
39. He lives from hand to mouth. (on/from/by)
40. He is appointed to the post. (in/to/at)
41. She is junior to me by three years. (to/from/than)
42. I am senior to your sister.(then/to/from)
43. The principal presided over the meeting.(in/over/at)
44. The excels in dancing.(at/in/by)
45. He always runs after money.(at/for/after)
46. Flour is made from wheat.(of/from/with)
47. Write your answers in black ink. (with/in/by)
48. The cow lives on grass.(on/upon/with)
49. The lame man lives by begging. (with/from/by)
50. He often suffers from illness. (in/from/with)
51. The student was sure of success. (to/in/of)
52. I warned him against driving so fast. (for/on/against)
53. Always beware of false friends. (from/of /with)
54. A greedy man hankers after money. (after/for/in)
55. He sent the letter by hand. (by/with/in)
56. The tiger lives on flesh. (by/on/with)
57. Virtue consists in speaking the truth. (in/of/on)
58. I am amazed at his conduct. (at/by/in)
59. I have great regard for my teachers. (for/in/to)
60. I am satisfied at your work. (by/with/at)
61. The boy was charged of stealing. (for/of/with)
62. You should be polite with your seniors. (to/with/for)
63. I have distaste in pop music. (in/for/of)
64. Gandhi was convicted of lying. (of/for/to)
65. Great books deal with human problems. (of/with/in)
66. The teacher was annoyed with me. (at/from/with)
67. Socrates had no desire for wealth. (for/of/towards)
68. Pay attention to what your teacher says. (at/in/to)
69. He is satisfied at his job. (at/with/in)
70. I am indebted to you for your help. (with/at/to)
71. One should be conscious of one’s faults. (about/of/at)
72. Man does not live on bread alone.(on/for/by)
73. There is an exception to every rule.(on/to/in)
74. Mr. Sharma presided over the meeting.(on/at/over)
75. She prefers tea to cold drinks.(for/than/to)
76. Nobody in the class could compete with Raja (with/against/to)
77. I cannot part with this book.(with/of/from)
78. I was surprised at his behavior. (by/with/at)
79. He will come back in an hour. (at/ by/in)
80. The lame man lives by begging. (by/with/on)
81. Do not run after money. (after/for/at)
82. She was tired of waiting for him.(with/by/of)
83. The train is bound for Howrah.(to/at/for)
84. One should not boast of one’s wealth.(of/for/at)
85. My sister excels in dancing.(at/in/by)
86. That man is devoid of common sense.(to/with/for)
87. This film is suitable for children.(to/with/for)