Friday, 17 April 2020

A Holiday in Delhi | Class 6 | Lesson 5 | English | Questions And Answers | SCERT

A Holiday In Delhi


questions and answers, class 6, assam, scert


1) Parliament House
2) Rashtrapati Bhavan
3) India Gate
4) Red Fort
5) Lotus temple
6) Qutub Minar 

Class 6 Science lesson 5 Answers Assamese medium



(a) Rishov, Rishika, and their parents went to Delhi during their

(I) Summer holidays
(II)Puja holidays
(III) Winter holidays
(Iv)Bihu holidays
Answer: (II) Puja holidays

(b) They went to Delhi by
(I) air
(II) bus
(III) train
(Iv) their own car
Answer: (I) By air

(c) Maple inn is a lovely

(I) palace
(II) fort
(III) restaurant
(Iv) hotel
Answer: (IV) hotel

(d)  Rishov found a wallet lying on the 

(I) the seat of the bus
(II) the floor of the hotel
(III) the floor of the bus
(Iv) bus stop
Answer:  (III) Floor of the bus

(e) The person who dialed the number was
(I) Rishov
(II) Rishov's father
(III) Rishika
(IV) Rishov and Rishika's father
Answer: (I) Rishov

(f) The person who was very happy to receive the wallet was
(I) Rishika
(II) Rishov
(III) Rajeev Sharma
(IV) Rishov and Rishika's father
Answer: Rajeev Sharma

2. Answers

Answer: (a) Rishov and Rishika pleaded with their father for a holiday trip to Delhi
(b) Tickets were brought and the hotel was booked.
(c) They saw the Red Fort and India gate.
(d) Rishov found and picked up a wallet lying on the floor of the bus.
(e) They went to Agra
(f) They returned the wallet to its owner.

(b) Rishov is trying to record the important points about their holiday in his diary. Working with a friend, read the lessons, and help Rishov to complete the diary entry :

October 5th: Started our journey to Delhi
Places we visited: India gate, Red Fort and Taj Mahal.
The hotel we stayed in: Maple inn in South Delhi.
What I found under my seat: wallet
Who it belonged to Rajeev Sharma
How I found  Mr. Sharma: I found a slip of paper with a few telephone numbers along with Rajeev Sharma number, I dialed his number from my father's mobile phone. I told him that we are visiting Agra and would be stopping at the Taj Mahal are, also gave him the name and number, color, and model of the bus. After receiving the Agra tourist bus stop I found Rajeev Sharma and returned his Wallet back.

Where I returned the wallet: Bus Stop

The most memorable thing about our vacation: One of the most memorable things is the Finding of the wallet and returning it back to the owner.

4. Answers

Date of your Journey: January 14
Places you visited: Pangshu pass, Lake of no return
Places you stayed in: Arunachal Hotel
What you did there: camping, trekking
What Interesting things happened to you: I found a wallet full of money
What you most liked about that holiday: Trekking
Which place you would like to visit in the future: Majuli


(1) Rishika: Hello! How are you Minati?
(2) Minati: Fine. How are you Rishika?
(3) Rishika: Fine, thank you! We're coming to Delhi.
(4) Minati: oh! It will be nice to meet you all again. When are you coming
(5) Rishika: We'll reach on the 5th of October.
(6) Minati: Are you coming by air?
(7) Rishika: Yes, by Air India.
(8) Ok, dear. I will be at the airport.


Change the sentences into negative:

(I) We'll go by air.
Answer: I won't go by air.

(II) Their mother too was on their sides.
Answer: Their mother wasn't on their sides.

(III) The Red Fort amazed them
Answer: The Red Fort Didn't amaze them.

(IV) Rishov's father booked two rooms in the hotel.
Answer: Rishov's father didn't book two rooms in the hotel.

(V) The wallet must be returned
Answer: The wallet must not be returned.

(VI) Rishov told him how he had found the wallet.
Answer: Rishov didn't tell him how he had found the wallet.

(VII) He gave the man the bus number
Answer: He didn't give the man the bus number.

(VIII) Open the wallet, please
Answer: Please, Don't open the wallet

8. Answers

(a) Below - Low
(b) Wallet - Let
(c) person - son
(d) father - her
(e) smile - mile
(f) lawns - awn (and what not)

Finds more such words from your text and add them to your list.

(a) Was - as
(b) pestered - red
(c) for - or
(d) his - is
(e) holidays - days
(f) she - he
(g) reluctant - ant
(h) that - hat
(I) what - at
(j) about - out
(k) Father - fat
(l) will - ill
(m) time - me
(n) Gate - ate
(o) bus - us

9. Read each row of the table below and make a sentence taking the words from each of them.

Here is an example: Rang Ghar - Sivasagar - monument

Rang Ghar is a monument in Sivasagar, Assam.

(a) Taj Mahal - Agra - Monument
Taj Mahal is a monument in Agra

(b) Maple inn - South Delhi - hotel
Maple inn is a hotel in South Delhi 

(c) Red fort - Delhi - fort
Red Fort is a fort in Delhi

(d) India gate - Delhi - monument
India Gate is a monument in Delhi

(e) Agra fort - Agra - fort
Agra Fort is a fort in Agra

(a) how you will travel
Answer: By air

(b) Who will go with you
Answer: My parents and my brother

(c) What you plan to see
Answer: Tajmahal

(d) How are you feeling about the visit
Answer: I'm feeling very excited to visit Taj mahal with my family.


Lesson 6: Pollution