Friday, 17 April 2020

Uses of ICT | Class 6 | Lesson 4 | English | Questions And Answers | SCERT

Uses of ICT


class 6, lesson, chapter 4, uses of ict, questions and answers
Uses Of ICT, Class 6, Questions And Answers


1. Textbook Questions

(a) What is the full form of ICT?
Answer: The full form of ICT is Information and Communication Technology.

(b) What is the use of a computer?
Answers:  The computers have multipurpose uses. It can calculate, draw images, and may be used for playing games. Further, It can design, compose, edit, download, and save images and audio-video materials.

(c) What do children learn in the computer lab?
Answers: The children learn about the hardware and software components of a computer. They also learn to use ICT for their studies.

(d) Why do people depend on technology?
Answer: People depend on technology because technology helps them to reduce their workload. With the help of technology, people can create, collect, process, and manage bulky information. It improves their standard of living.

Class 6 | Lesson 4 Science Answers Assamese Medium

(e) What are some uses of ICT? (You can think of at least five uses.)
Answers: Some uses of ICT are: 
(i) ICT is used to create, collect, process, and manage information.
(ii) ICT makes communication faster.
(iii) ICT helps in studies because it helps to find the study materials very easily. 
(iv) ICT nowadays is largely used in the medical sector to diagnose diseases.
(v) ICT helps to entertain people.

(a) ICT stands for Information and Computer Technology.
Answer: False

(b) We can use a computer to draw and calculate.
Answer: True

(c) A smartphone is a digital device that can perform similar functions as a computer.
Answer: True

(d) A mobile phone is not a device for ICT.
Answer: False

(e) We can use ICT to do a project on English Grammar.
Answer: True

(f) Google and Yahoo are search engines.
Answer: True

3.Textbook questions

 devices   movies   a satellite    calculate    seniors 

(a) The elder students are working in the computer lab.
Answer: The seniors are working in the computer lab.

(b) There are a tall tower and electronic devices that is sent into space and move around the earth.
Answer: There is a tall tower and satellite.
(c) We use computers to draw, to find out a total number, and play online games.
Answer: We use computers to draw, calculate, and play online games.
(d) We watch films on a computer too.
Answer: We watch movies on a computer too.
(e) Computers and mobile phones are pieces of equipment that are used to create, collect, process, and manage information. 
Answer: Computers and mobile phones are devices that are used to create, collect, process, and manage information.


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