Saturday, 26 June 2021

Glimpses of the Past || Class 8 NCERT || English Honeydew || Textual Questions & Answers
Class 8

Glimpses of the Past  

Working with the text

1. Do you think the Indian Princes were short sighted in their approach to the events of 1757? 

Answer: Indeed, the Indian princes were short sighted in their approach to the events of 1757. The Indian princes were guided by their own interest to occupy a wider area of state and to fight even a small battle they took the help of the British. The British in return started subduing Indian princes. 


2. How did the East India Company subdue the Indian princes? 

Answer: The Indian princes were very short sighted. Even to settle a small battle they sought help from the British. The British took the advantage of such rivalries to subdue the Indian princes. 


3. Quote the words used by Ram Mohan Roy to say that every religion teaches the same principles. 

Answer: Ram Mohan Roy quoted that cows are of different colors but the color of their milk is the same. He metaphorically used to say that different teachers have different opinions but the essence of every religion is the same. 


4. In what ways did the British officers exploit Indians? 

Answer: The British introduced exploitative tax policies to loot the Indian farmers. In 1818 they passed Regulation III under which an Indian could be jailed without a trial in the court. The British officers drew big salaries and also established private business. The British’s import policies ruined the Indian Industries and small artisans. 


5. Name these people: 

i. The ruler who fought pitched battles against British and died. 

Answer: The ruler who fought pitched battles against British and died fighting was Tipu of Mysore. 

ii. The person who wanted to reform the society. 

Answer: The person who wanted to reform the society was Ram Mohan Roy. 

iii. The person who recommended the introduction of English education in India. 

Answer: The person who recommended the introduction of English education in India was Macaulay. 

iv. Two popular leaders who led the revolt. 

Answer: Two popular leaders who led the revolt were Begum Hazrat Mahal of Lucknow and Maulvi Ahmedulla of Faizabad. 


6. Mention the following: 

i. Two examples of social practices prevailing then. 

Answer: Then India’s societies were abandoned with superstition and many other evil practices. Examples of such practices were child marriage, untouchability. 

ii. Two oppressive policies of the British. 

Answer: The British introduced many oppressive policies to ruin the Indian society. Two such policies were tax policies for the farmers, tax free import policy from England to India. 

iii. Two ways in which common people suffered. 

Answer: In the British era, Indian people suffered a lot. The farmers and the landlords lost their lands due to the British policies. The Brahmin, and many other social classes lost their jobs in the British period. 

iv. Four reasons for the discontent that led to the 1857 war of Independence. 

Answer: The discontent that led to the 1857 war of Independence: 

a. The British adopted ruining tax policies and import duty free imports from England which led discontent amongst the farmers and local artisans.

b. The various social class of people lost their jobs who were enjoying good position under the Indian kings. 

c. The Indian soldiers were getting slow promotions and minimum salaries as compared to the British soldiers. So discontent was brewing in the East Indian army too. 

d. The former Indian rulers were dethroned and were discontent. So they also joined the upsurge against the British.

Tuesday, 8 June 2021

 Lesson 6 | The rain all questions and answers | Reader 3

Lesson 6 | The rain all questions and answers | Reader 3
Lesson 6 | The rain all questions and answers | Reader 3

Which is your favourite season and why? Share your views with the class.
Read this poem to find out why the rainy season is the poet's favourite season.
I hear leaves drinking Rain;
I hear rich leaves on top
Giving the poor beneath
Drop after drop;
'Tis a sweet noise to hear
These green leaves drinking near.
And when the sun comes out,
After this rain shall stop,
A wondrous light will fill
Each dark,round drop;
I hope the sun shines bright;
'Twill be a lovely sight.
- W H Davies 
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What are the sounds you hear when the rain falls?
Answer: We hear the soft pitter-patter sounds when the rain falls.
2.List the sights you see after the rain.
Answer: After the rain, we can see sight of a wondrous light, sight of beautiful rainbow and many more.
3. In what sense are the leaves on top 'rich' and the leaves beneath 'poor'?
Answer: The leaves on top are rich, by these the poet means that these leaves on top drink the rainwater first, while the leaves beneath are 'poor' as they drink the rain water passed by the top 'rich' leaves.
4. What happens to the plants and the earth when the rain falls?
Answer: When the rain falls the plants and the earth look more greener and healthier. 
5.What does the earth look like when the sun shines after the rain?
Answer: When the sun shines after the rain the earth will look more delightful it will fill each dark corner of the earth with light and new hope. 
B. Match the following words based on the poem.
1. Sweet - noise.
2. Green - Leaves.
3. Wondrous - light.
4. Round - drop.
5. Bright - sun.
6. Lovely -  sight.
C. Pick out words from the poem that mean the opposite of the following.
1. Rich - Poor
2. Beneath - Top
3. Light - Dark
4. Far - Near
5. Dull - Clean
6. Start - Stop

D. Top rhymes with drop and hear with near. Pick out words from the poem that rhyme with the following words.

1. Pain - Rain.
2. Bun - Sun.
3. Hill - Fill.
4. Night -  Bright.

Monday, 7 June 2021

 Lesson 5 | The three best things all questions and answers | Reader 3

Lesson 5 | The three best things all questions and answers | Reader 3
Lesson 5 | The three best things all questions and answers | Reader 3


What, according to you, are the three best things in the world? Share with the class, explaining why. 

A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. What was Akbar and Birbal doing one fine evening?

Answer: One fine evening, Akbar and Birbal were walking in a beautiful garden.

2.What did they talk about?

Answer: They talked about the beauties of nature, such as sunrise and sunset and many more.

3.Name some of God's gifts to man?

Answer: Sunrise and sunset, the high mountains, the skies at night, the moon and the stars, and the colours of the rainbow are some of the gifts of God to man. 

4. Which flower did Akbar find the best?

Answer: Akbar find the rose flower best.

B. Answer the following questions in detail.

1. Which is the best milk, according to Birbal?Why?

Answer: According to Birbal, 'Mother's milk is the best milk because  a child becomes a great man on it'. 

2. Which is the best flower, according to Birbal?Why?

Answer: According to Birbal, 'The flower of the cotton plant is the best flower'. Since it gives clothes to us.

3.Which is the best sweetness, according to Birbal?Why?

Answer: According to Birbal, 'The sweetness of the kind words is the best sweetness'. Because it pleases everyone.

C. Tick the correct option to complete each sentence.

1.Mother's milk is the best because

a. It is the sweetest milk known to us.

b. a child growing up on mother's milk becomes a great human being.

Answer: (b) a child growing up on mother's milk becomes a great human being.

2. The cotton flower is the best flower because

a. it is used for making clothers.

b. it is white and soft.

Answer: (b) It is used for making clothes.

3. The sweetness of kind words is the best because

a. it costs nothing

b. it pleases everyone.

Answer: (b) it pleases everyone.

D. Fill in the blanks. Choose from the words given in the box.

1.Milk is good for health.

2. I woke up too late in the morning to see the sunrise.

3. The beauties of nature make us think of the goodness of God.

4.Standing on the seashore, i saw the beautiful sunset.

5. Everyone loves receiving gifts.

6. The doctor told me to take care of my health

E. Fill in the missing letters taking the help of the clues.

1. Handkerchiefs are made of this - Cotton

2. It gives us milk - Buffalo.

3. We sometimes see it in the sky on a rainy day - rainbow.

4. We store clothes and other things in this - Cupboard.

5. we taste with this - tongue.

F. Complete the following sentences taking the help of the table below.

1. She is taller (tall) than her sister.

2. Meera is the tallest (tall) girl in class.

3. Varun is as taller (tall) as Rajiv.

4. Birbal was cleverer (clever) than others in Akbar's court.

5. Birbal was the cleverest (clever) man in Akbar's court.

6. This painting is more colourful (colourful) than the other.

7. This painting is the most colourful in the room.

8. The lotus is a most beautiful flower.

9. The sunflower is more beautiful than a lotus.

10. But the rose is the most beautiful.



geography lesson
Class 8

Geography Lesson 

Working with the poem 

1. Find three or four phrases in stanza one or two which are likely to occur in a geography lesson.

 Answer: Stanza 1: scaled six inches to a mile

Stanza 2: the country had cities where the rivers ran, the valleys were populated


2. Seen from the window of an Aeroplan, the city appears 

i. As a haphazard as on ground 

ii. As neat as a map

iii. As developed as necessary 


3. Which of the following statements are examples of “the logic of geography”? 

i. There are cities where there are rivers

ii. Cities appear as they are not from six miles above the ground. 

iii. It is easy to understand why valleys are populated. 

iv. It is difficult to understand why humans hate and kill one another. 

v. The earth is round, and it has more sea than land. 


4. Mention two things that are: 

i. Clear from the height: 

Answer: From the height of the Aeroplane, it is clear why valleys are populated, that there are more seas than land

ii. Not clear from the height: 

Answer: But from the height of the Aeroplane, it is not clear why men on earth hate each other, and why they have built walls across the cities.

Geography Lesson  

Full Poem with Summary
When the jet sprang into the sky,
It was clear why the city
Had developed the way it had,
Seeing it scaled six inches to the mile.
There seemed an inevitability about what on
Ground had looked haphazard, unplanned 
And without style
 When the jet sprang into the sky.
When the jet reached ten thousand feet,
It was clear why the country,
Had cities where the rivers ran
And why the valleys were populated. The logic
Of geography
That land and water attracted man
Was clearly delineated
When the jet reached ten thousand feet.
When the jet rose six miles high,
It was clear the earth was round
And that it had more sea than land.
But it was difficult to understand
That the men on the earth found
Causes to hate each other, to build
Walls across cities and to kill.
From that height,it was not clear why.


In this poem "Geography Path" the poet tries to convey the message of humanity through the logic of geography. The poet recently had the experience of traveling by air. The jet he was in slowly rose to a height of six miles above the ground. This journey was no ordinary journey for the poet as there was a lot to learn in this journey.

Firstly, when the jet soared high into the sky, it revealed many of the fundamentals of a geography lesson. The poet clearly understood the measurement and measurement methods of geography. Random looking cities on Earth are essentially set for the survival of mankind. 

Soon, the jet achieved an altitude of ten thousand feet. The poet opened his senses further to understand the deeper lessons of geography. From that height, the poet gained knowledge about the logic of geography. He understood that mankind developed cities near rivers and more populated in valleys. He also noted a lesson that land and water attracted men to settle civilizations. 

The jet eventually reached an altitude of six miles. At this height, the author explained the secret principles of geography. He clearly learned that the Earth is round. Earth's surface is covered by more sea than land. But the poet still could not understand the reason behind existence of human despises. People living on earth have created boundaries and walls and erected differences in the form of race and countries.

 Geography Lesson Summary in Hindi

इस कविता "जियोग्रीफी लेसन" में कवि भूगोल के तर्क के माध्यम से मानवता का संदेश देने की कोशिश करता है। कवि को हाल ही में हवाई यात्रा करने का अनुभव हुआ। वह जिस जेट में था वह धीरे-धीरे जमीन से छह मील की ऊंचाई तक उड़ गया। कवि के लिए यह यात्रा कोई साधारण यात्रा नहीं थी क्योंकि इस यात्रा में बहुत कुछ सीखने को था। 

सबसे पहले, जब जेट ने आसमान में ऊंची छलांग लगाई, तो इसने भूगोल के पाठ की कई बुनियादी बातों का खुलासा किया। भूगोल की मापन विधियों को कवि ने स्पष्ट रूप से समझा। पृथ्वी पर बेतरतीब दिखने वाले शहर अनिवार्य रूप से मानव जाति के अस्तित्व के लिए निर्धारित हैं। 

 जल्द ही, जेट ने दस हजार फीट की ऊंचाई हासिल कर ली। भूगोल के गहरे पाठों को समझने के लिए कवि ने अपनी इंद्रियों को और अधिक खोला। उस ऊंचाई से, कवि ने भूगोल के तर्क के बारे में ज्ञान प्राप्त किया। वह समझ गया था कि मानव जाति ने नदियों के पास शहरों का विकास किया है और घाटियों में अधिक आबादी है। उन्होंने एक सबक भी नोट किया कि भूमि और पानी ने सभ्यताओं को बसाने के लिए मानवो को आकर्षित किया। 

जेट आखिरकार छह मील की ऊंचाई पर पहुंच गया। इस ऊंचाई पर, लेखक ने भूगोल के गुप्त सिद्धांतों का ज्ञान प्राप्त किया। उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से सीखा कि पृथ्वी गोल है। पृथ्वी की सतह भूमि से अधिक समुद्र से ढकी है।

Sunday, 6 June 2021

 Lesson 4 |The Little Pine Tree all questions answers | Reader 3

If You had three magic wishes, what would you wish for? Is there anything about yourself or your life that you would wish to change? 


Share with ideas your friends

The little pine tree is a magical story about a pine tree who made three wishes. Read full story from your textbook. The little pine tree questions answers are given below.

A. Answer the following questions briefly

1. Where did the little pine tree grow?

Answer: The little pine tree grew in a valley.

2. What was the difference between the pine tree and the other trees?

Answer: The main difference between pine tree and the other trees is that pine trees are covered with needles while other trees in the woods have beautiful leaves.

3.What did the little pine tree first wish for? Why did it make this wish?

Answer: The first wish of the little pine tree was for golden leaves. The little pine tree wished to have golden leaves because she want to be more beautiful than the other trees.

4. Who heard the little pine tree's wish?

Answer: A Fairy heard the little pine tree's wish.

5.Who began to pull off the gold leaves? Why did he pull them off? What happened to the tree?

Answer: The pine tree was covered with golden leaves of shining gold, soon a man came and begun to pull off the gold leaves.

He pulled them off and carried them away because it will make him rich.

The little pine tree was bare after the man pulled them all. 

B. Match the following correctly to complete the sentences given below. 

1. Green Leaves - Goa.

2. Glass Leaves - Strong wind.

3. Gold leaves - Man with a bag. 

1, The first wish of the little pine tree was for Golden Leaves. But soon a Man with a bag came and carried all them away

2. The second wish of the little pine tree was for glass leaves. But soon a strong wind came and broke them all to pieces

3.The third wish of the little pine tree was for green leaves. But soon a goat came and ate them all

4. Finally, the little pine tree wished for needle leaves.Because the needles leaves were best for it. 

C. Write the antonyms of the following words.

1. after - before

2. hot - mild.

3. new - old.

4. quick - slow.

5. neat - dirty.

6. ugly - beautiful.

D. Write the synonyms of the following words.

1.begin - start.

2. error - mistake.

3. big -  huge.

4. ill - sick.

5. glad - happy.

6. look - attention.

E. Complete the sentences by filling in the correct possessive pronouns. 

1.This cricket bat belongs to me, it is mine

2. This book belongs to Ravi and Sushma. it is theirs.

3. My pencil is broken. Can i borrow yours

4. Those toys belong to my sister and me. They are ours.

5. These long necklaces are my sister's. They are hers

6. Her watch is cheap, but his is expensive. 

F. Read the following words aloud.

a. Mean - Long E sound,

b. Best - Short E sound

c. Shell - Short E sound 

d. Hem - Short E sound.

e. Beast - Long E sound.

f. Heat - Long E sound.

Have a class discussion on the following topic. 

What lesson do you think the fairy taught the little pine tree? Do you agree with the fairy? why/why not?

Answer:  The fairy taught the little pine tree that we should be happy with whatever things that god has given us.

Write a letter to your best friend telling him/her about your new house.

Margherita, Tinsukia

13 June 2021,

My Dear Ajay,

How are you? I am very well. I was not able to write to you earlier because i have been very busy shifting into our new home.

I really love my new home, It is near Dehing River. The scenic beauty of this place is very mesmerizing. The sunset view is like paradise. 

I have made a new friend who lives next door to us, he is very kind, helpful and caring. 

I am looking forward to hearing all about your new class. Have you made new friends too? Tell me all about them. Write soon,

 Your Loving Friend,

 Rohit Chetry

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Anubhabi hiya Assamese Song Lyrics in English and Assamese Language with meaning 


Anubhabi Hiya

Anubhabi Hiya, a heart full of feelings is a sensational Assamese romantic song sung by Karan Das and Amrendra Kalita. Realesed on 25th February, 2021, this song has crossed around 8 lakhs views on Youtube till date.Anubhabi hiya lyrics

 Karan Das, an emerging talent of Assamese Music Industry uploads in his own Youtube Channel an "Assamese Romantic Song based on the feeling of being enchanted by the charm of your loved one". Anubhabi hiya lyrics in english.

Lyrics By - Barsha Rani Kakati and Koushik Sharma.

Music and Mixing - Karan Das


Anubhabi hiya Assamese Song Full Lyrics in English

Anubhabi Hiyat
Tumarei Khihoron
Junaki Xondhiyar xemeka Eii Mon
Ujagori Nixat
Tumarei Agomon
Junaki Akaxot Umole ei Mon{2}

Xorotor Protitu Xondhiyat
Tumarei Nasun
Tumar Hahite
Jipaal Ehejar Khopun

Tumi xorotor osinaki Xur
Biyopi jai bohu dur xudur

Tumarei Nasun

Ehejar Khopun

Tumarei Nasun

Ehejar Khopun 

Doxudixe biyopi ubhotiba
Hiyate thitapi loboloi
Xunasun rua kisu xomoi
Ase bohu Kotha koboloi

Kisu Kotha premor bhakhar
Xasi thua bohu agorei pora
Onumoti hole Tumar
Uti jabo Mur monore pora

 Xorotor Protitu Xondhiyat
Tumarei Nasun
Tumar Hahite
Jipaal Ehejar Khopun

 Anubhabi Hiyat
Tumarei Khihoron
Junaki Xondhiyar xemeka Eii Mon
Ujagori Nixat
Tumarei Agomon
Junaki Akaxot Umole ei Mon

  An eye soothing cinematic musical video acted by Rupankar Bharali and Violina Deka sails on the tune of the music of Anubhabi Hiya is a polish on gold. Anubhabi hiya lyrics in assamese.




অনুভৱী হিয়াতে
তোমাৰেই শিহৰণ
জোনাকী সন্ধিয়াৰ সেমেকা এই মন
উজাগৰি নিশাত
তোমাৰেই আগমণ
জোনাকী আকাশত উমলে এই মন

শৰতৰ প্ৰতিটো সন্ধিয়াৰ
তোমাৰেই নাচুন
তোমাৰ সহিতে
জীপাল এহেজাৰ সপোন

তুমি শৰতৰ অচিনাকি সুৰ
বিয়লি যায় বহু দূৰ সুদূৰ

তোমাৰেই নাচুন
এহেজাৰ সপোন
তোমাৰেই নাচুন
এহেজাৰ সপোন

দহোদিশে বিয়পি উভতিব
হিয়াতে থিতাপি ল'বলৈ
শুনাচোন ৰোৱ কিছু সময়
আছে বহু কথা ক'বলৈ

কিছু কথা প্ৰেমৰ ভাষাৰ
যাচি থোৱা বহু আগৰেই পৰা
অনুমতি হ'লে তোমাৰ
উটি যাব মোৰ মনৰে পৰা

শৰতৰ প্ৰতিটো সন্ধিয়াৰ
তোমাৰেই নাচোন
তোমাৰ সহিতে
জীপাল এহেজাৰ সপোন

অনুভৱী হিয়াতে
তোমাৰেই শিহৰণ
জোনাকী সন্ধিয়াৰ সেমেকা এই মন
উজাগৰি নিশাত
তোমাৰেই আগমণ
জোনাকী আকাশত উমলে এই মন

Watch Video  



 Lesson 3 | Trees all questions answers from Reader 3 | English

Trees questions and answers

Everyday, human beings use things made from plants and trees. Even animals and other plants live and grow in their shelter.



  •  Fruits
  •  Flowers
  •  Medicine
  •  Wood
  •  Oxygen

Answer the following questions briefly. 

1. Why does the poet say that trees are kind?

Answer: The poet says that trees are the kindest things because they do not harm anyone they simply grow. They provide a shade for sleepy animals and gather birds among their branches.

2. How are trees helpful to birds and animals?

Answer: Trees are very helpful to birds and animals because they provide shade, shelter and food for them.

3. From the second stanza, pick out the names of three things that trees give human beings.

Answer: The three things that trees give human beings are - Fruits, wood, and leaves.

4. Write three pairs of rhyming words from the poem.

Answer: Light - Night, Begun - Sun, Halloween - Green.




 Lesson 2 | Thumbelina all questions answers | Reader 3

Thumbelina Lesson 2 Questions and answers


1.    What did the woman ask the fairy?
Answer: The woman wished to have a little child of her own so she asked the fairy “Where she can find one”.
2.    Where did the woman plant the barleycorn?
Answer: The woman planted the barleycorn in the farmer’s field.
3.    How much money did she pay the fairy?
Answer: The woman paid twelve shillings to the fairy.
4.    Who was sitting inside the tulip?
Answer: A very graceful little maiden was sitting inside the tulip.
5.    Why was the maiden called Thumbelina?
Answer: The little maiden was named “Thumbelina” because she was only just as long as a thumb.
6.    What could Thumbelina do very well?
Answer: Thumbelina could sing so softly and sweetly.

B.    Match the things used by Thumbelina with what they are made of.

Things used by Thumbelina                   What they are made of
(i)    Boat                           ------------      Tulip-leaf
(ii)    Cradle                        ------------      Walnut-shell
(iii)    Counterpane            ------------      Rose-leaf
(iv)    Bed                            -------------      Blue-violet-leaves
(v)    Two oars                   -------------     White horsehair
(vi)    Pool                           -------------      Plateful of water

C.    Fill in the blanks with the correct gender.
Before Filling the blanks let us understood about the different kinds of Gender.
Masculine Gender – Words that stands for Male are Masculine Gender.
Feminine Gender – Words that stands for Female are Feminine Gender.
Common Gender- Words that refer to either Males or Females are Common Gender.
Neuter Gender- Words that stand for things without life are in the Neuter Gender.

(i)    A Lioness – Feminine
(ii)    A Book -      Neuter
(iii)    Mary – Feminine
(iv)    A Chair – Neuter
(v)    Ravi – Masculine
(vi)    A Teacher – Common
(vii)    A Tree – Common
(viii)    My brother – Masculine

D.    Write the following words in the correct columns.

Countable Nouns   Uncountable Nouns

 Many People               Less Air

Ten Chocolates

Hundred Rupees

A Lot of Money

Some grass

Six horses

A Dozen roses

E. Fill in the blanks using would or could,

(i) Could I use your pencil,Please?

(ii) Would You like to come with me to the park today?

(iii) Could my brother join the game?

(iv) I Would be happy if you come to my birthday party.


Thursday, 3 June 2021

The Tsunami
Class 8

The Tsunami

Comprehension Check 

1. Why did Tilly’s family come to Thailand? 

Answer: Tilly’s family came to Thailand to celebrate Christmas. 

2. What were the warning signs that both Tilly and her mother saw? 

Answer: Tilly and her mother saw that the sea water was swelling and coming in.

3. Do you think Tilly’s mother was alarmed by them? 

Answer: No, I do not think that Tilly’s mother was alarmed by them because she became aware only after Tilly’s response. 

4. Where had Tilly seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion? 

Answer: Tilly had seen the sea behaving in the same strange fashion in her geography class in England. 

5. Where did the Smith family and the others on the beach go to escape from the tsunami? 

Answer: The Smith family and the others on the beach went to the third floor of the hotel escape from the tsunami. 

6. In the tsunami 150,000 people died. How many animals died? 

Answer: In the tsunami 150,000 people died, but not many animals were reported dead. Only two water buffaloes died in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka. 

7. How many people and animals died in Yala National Park? 

Answer: In Yala National Park, sixty visitors were washed away, but only two water buffaloes died in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka. No, Ignesious was not worried about a tsunami immediately. Because he first took his television down from the table and supposing an earthquake the family ran out. “When the tremors stopped, they saw the sea rising. In the chaos and confusion…..” the entire family separated and ran to different directions. 


Working with the Text

3. How are Meghna and Alma’s stories similar? 

Answer: Meghna was swept away along with her parents and sea spent two days floating in the sea on a wooden door. Similarly Alma also lost her parents in the wave and she saved her life clinging to a wooden log. 

4. What are the different ways in which Tilly’s parents could have reacted to her behaviour? What would you have done if you were in their place?

Answer: Tilly’s parents could have reacted differently to Tilly’s odd fashioned behavior. They could have ignored Tilly’s behavior thinking she was a little girl making childlike noises. But thankfully they took it seriously and they not only saved their life along with many others. 

    If I were in place of Tilly’s parents I might have given attention to her behavior and asked her the reason behind such behavior. 

5. If Tilly’s award was to be shared, who do you think she should share it with— her parents or her geography teacher?

Answer: If Tilly’s award was to be shared, we think that the award should be shared first with her geography teacher because his lessons helped her to recognize the early signals of a killing tsunami. However, Tilly should also be thankful to her parents because they took her odd behavior seriously and escaped along with other visitors before the giant waves reached. 

6. What are the two different ideas about why so few animals were killed in the tsunami? Which idea do you find more believable?

Answer: There are two different ideas regarding why so few animals were killed in the tsunami. According to one idea, animals possess sixth sense which alarm them an approaching disaster. Another thought goes as animals have an acute hearing ability and they can sense the coming disaster with the help of the hearing ability. The second idea is more believable in comparison to the first idea because the reason seems to be more scientific.

Tuesday, 1 June 2021

 Twenty Froggies All Questions And Answers | Lesson 1 | Reader 3 | My New Horizons Today


Twenty froggies all questions and answers

 In this post You will Get all the questions and answers of the Poem Twenty Froggies | Lesson 1 | Reader 3 | Of My New Horizons Today

A. Answer the Following Questions Briefly. 

1. How Many froggies went to school?

Answer:  Twenty little froggies went to school.

2. What did the froggies wear?
Answer: The twenty little froggies wore green coats, white vests all white and clean.

3. What was the 'golden rule'?

Answer: The  'Golden Rule' was to - study first then to play and also to be on time.

4. Who taught the froggies how to leap and dive?

Answer: Master Bullfrog taught the little froggies to leap and dive.

5.Make a list of all the things that the froggies learnt at school.

Answer: Following are the list of things that froggies learnt at school

(a) Pay attention to the golden rule,

(b) study first and then to play,

(c) Always be on time,

(d) to leap and dive,

(e) to dodge a blow, from the sticks that bad boys throw.

Class 8


Honeydew Class 8 Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket Questions from Textbook

Working with the poem: 

1. The cricket says, “Oh! What will become of me?” when does he say it, and why? 

Answer: The cricket says, “Oh! What will become of me?” when the winter comes and there is nothing to be found for eating. 

2. (i) Find in the poem the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be”. 

Answer: In the poem “The Ant and the Cricket” the lines that mean the same as “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” are “we ants never borrow; we ants never lend”. 

(ii) What is your opinion of the ant’s principles? 

Answer: The ants are always hardworking and self-dependent. So, they never have to kneel down in front of anybody. The ants’ principle gives a good message too the mankind also. 

3. The ants tell the cricket to “dance the winter away”. Do you think the word ‘dance’ is appropriate here? If so, why?

Answer: Yes, the word ‘dance’ is appropriate because the ants slam the cricket for his careless behavior. The ants work hard throughout the summer, but the cricket enjoys his summer singing and dancing. So, the ants refuse to help him. 

4. (i) Which lines in the poem express the poet’s comment?

Answer: In the poem, “The Ant and the Cricket”, the lines which express the poet’s comment are “Folks call it a fable, I’ll warrant it true: some cricket have two legs and some have two.” 

(ii) Write the comment in your own words. 

Answer: The poet tries to warn that if people do not work hard they will suffer in the future. By saying two legs cricket, he wants to point out the lazy people.

Honeydew Class 8 Chapter 1 The Ant and The Cricket More Solutions

1. Who is the poet of "The Ant and The Cricket"?

Answer: "The Ant and The Cricket" is a poem adapted from Aesop's fable.

2. Write the Summary of the poem "The Ant and The Cricket".

Answer: "The Ant and The Cricket" is a poetic version of an Aesop's fable. Fables generally narrate a moral through stories run on animals as their main characters. The stories are designed for children in an attracting way with the inherent aim to convey a learning.

In this poem two characters the ant and the cricket live in a cold countryside. The ant is dedicated hard worker bound with duties to obtain foods and for other activities in life longing. But to its opposite the cricket is very careless and short sighted. He spends his summer days singing.

But, soon the winter arrives in the valley. Hard days begin for the cricket. He is left with no stock of food as he did not save enough in his good days. Snow covers the ground and not a crumb was to be found in the valley.

At last, he decides to seek some help from the ant because the ant has enough stock of food.

Class 8


Comprehension Check 

1. What did the author find in the junk shop?

Answer: The author found a roll top desk in the junk shop. 

2. What did he find in a secret drawer? Who do you think had put it in there? 

Answer: The author found a tin box containing a letter in a secret drawer. The letter was addressed to Mrs. Macpherson. So, she might have put it in there. 

3. Who had written the letter, to whom, and when? 

Answer: Jim Macpherson had written the letter to his wife Connie Macpherson on December 26, 1914. 

4. Why was the letter written – what was the wonderful thing that had happened? 

Answer: Jim wrote the letter to describe a wonderful incident that had happened in the middle of the war. The Tommy and the Fritz who were the two opponents in the war, made a grand celebration of the Christmas festival. 

5. What jobs did Hans Wolf and Jim Macpherson have when they were not soldiers? 

Answer: Hans Wolf used to play cello in the orchestra and Jim Macpherson was a teacher in Dorset. 

6. Had Hans Wolf ever been to Dorset? Why did he say he knew it? 

Answer: No, Hans wolf never been to Dorset. He knew it from different English books. His favourite author was Thomas Hardy. 

7. Do you think Jim Macpherson came back from the war? How do you know this?

Answer: No, Jim Macpherson did not come back from the war, because Connie had been keeping the letter very safely for such a long period.

8. Why did the author go to Bridport? 

Answer: The author went to Bridport to find Connie Macpherson and re-deliver the letter to her. 

9. How old was Mrs. Macpherson now? Where was she? 

Answer: Mrs. Macpherson was one hundred and one years old. She was admitted to Burlington House Nursing Home because she met a fire accident at her house in Bridport. 

10. Who did Connie Macpherson think her visitor was? 

Answer: Connie Macpherson thought her visitor was her husband Jim Macpherson. 

11. Which sentence in the text shows that the visitor did not try to hide his identity? 

Answer: The visitor did not try to hide his identity because he told everything from beginning to the end about the letter. 


Working with the text 

1. For how long do you think Connie had kept Jim’s letter? Give reasons for your answer. 

Answer: Connie received the letter on January 25, 1915. But she kept it in a tin box hidden in the roll top box, until it caught fire and was sold in a junk shop. 

2. Why do you think the desk had been sold and when? 

Answer: The roll top desk was sold because it got fire damage. The fire totally damaged the house of Connie Macpherson and so the roll top desk was sold. 

3. Why do Jim and Hans Wolf think that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts? Do you agree? 

Answer: Jim and Hans Wolf thought that games or sports are good ways of resolving conflicts because no one dies in a match, no children are orphaned, no wives become widows.

4. Do you think soldiers of the two armies are like each other, or different from each other? Find evidence from the story to support your answer. 

Answer: The soldiers of the two armies were not different as they were forced to fight in the war, but both of the captains wanted peace. Hans Wolf knew everything about England and he loved an English author Hardy. They thought the best way to resolve a war is to organize a sport. 

5. Mention the various ways in which the British and the German soldiers become friends and find things in common at Christmas.

Answer: The German and the British celebrated Christmas making peace in middle of the war. The German came out from their trenches and called the British for celebration. They shared schnapps, marzipan, rum and other foods to celebrate Christmas. They played a football match to make their bond of friendship strong. Hans Wolf and Jim talked about their personal life to become friends.

6. What is Connie’s Christmas present? Why is it “the best Christmas present in the world”? 

Answer: Connie’s Christmas present was Jim Macpherson returning from the war. Connie thought that the author was her husband who returned from the war after her prolonged wait. Though he was not real Jim, but for her his presence gave her indescribable pleasure. So it was the best Christmas present.