Saturday 5 June 2021

Lesson 2 | Thumbelina all questions answers | Reader 3

 Lesson 2 | Thumbelina all questions answers | Reader 3

Thumbelina Lesson 2 Questions and answers


1.    What did the woman ask the fairy?
Answer: The woman wished to have a little child of her own so she asked the fairy “Where she can find one”.
2.    Where did the woman plant the barleycorn?
Answer: The woman planted the barleycorn in the farmer’s field.
3.    How much money did she pay the fairy?
Answer: The woman paid twelve shillings to the fairy.
4.    Who was sitting inside the tulip?
Answer: A very graceful little maiden was sitting inside the tulip.
5.    Why was the maiden called Thumbelina?
Answer: The little maiden was named “Thumbelina” because she was only just as long as a thumb.
6.    What could Thumbelina do very well?
Answer: Thumbelina could sing so softly and sweetly.

B.    Match the things used by Thumbelina with what they are made of.

Things used by Thumbelina                   What they are made of
(i)    Boat                           ------------      Tulip-leaf
(ii)    Cradle                        ------------      Walnut-shell
(iii)    Counterpane            ------------      Rose-leaf
(iv)    Bed                            -------------      Blue-violet-leaves
(v)    Two oars                   -------------     White horsehair
(vi)    Pool                           -------------      Plateful of water

C.    Fill in the blanks with the correct gender.
Before Filling the blanks let us understood about the different kinds of Gender.
Masculine Gender – Words that stands for Male are Masculine Gender.
Feminine Gender – Words that stands for Female are Feminine Gender.
Common Gender- Words that refer to either Males or Females are Common Gender.
Neuter Gender- Words that stand for things without life are in the Neuter Gender.

(i)    A Lioness – Feminine
(ii)    A Book -      Neuter
(iii)    Mary – Feminine
(iv)    A Chair – Neuter
(v)    Ravi – Masculine
(vi)    A Teacher – Common
(vii)    A Tree – Common
(viii)    My brother – Masculine

D.    Write the following words in the correct columns.

Countable Nouns   Uncountable Nouns

 Many People               Less Air

Ten Chocolates

Hundred Rupees

A Lot of Money

Some grass

Six horses

A Dozen roses

E. Fill in the blanks using would or could,

(i) Could I use your pencil,Please?

(ii) Would You like to come with me to the park today?

(iii) Could my brother join the game?

(iv) I Would be happy if you come to my birthday party.


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