(1) Lohit and Trisha got up early in the morning before their mother could wake them up. Usually they loved to sleep till late hours when they had no school. But that morning they were too excited to sleep. Their parents would be taking them to Sivsagar. On their way they would spend a night in Kaziranga. Every year during the school holidays their father took them to see different places, sometime outside Assam, sometime within Assam. “Assam is a unique land with tea gardens, ancient temples, national parks, historical monuments and what not”, their father said.”You should now your own state.” [2016]
(a)Why did Lohit and Trishna get up early in the morning? 1
Answer: Lohit and Trishna got up early in the morning because they were visiting Sivsagar with their parents that day.
(b) What did they usually do when they had no school? 1
Answer: Lohit and Trishna they loved to sleep till late hours when they had no school.
(c)Where would they spend a night on their way to Sivsagar? 1
Answer: Lohit and Trishna would spend a night in Kaziranga on their way to Sivsagar.
(d) Why should we know our own state? 1
Answer: We should know our own state because our own state is also unique and our state is our own identity.
(e) Give opposite of the followings: 1/2×2=1
Wake – Sleep Ancient – Modern
(2) Long long ago, in for away Country of Italy, there was a Duke of Milan called Prospero. He was a wise and learned man, more interested in books than in ruling his country.
He left care of political affairs to his brother Antonio, while he himself studied strange science books of magic. Antonio was however jealous of his brother. He felt that while Prospero remained in Italy he would always be considered the real Duke of Milan; and Antonio wanted that title for himself. And so he and Alonso, the king of Naples made a wicked plan; they decided to send Prospero far away from his country. So that Antonio could rule Milan in his place. [2016]
(a) Who was Prospero? 1
Answer: Prospero was a Duke of Milan who was wise and learned.
(b) What sort of books did he read? 1
Answer: Prospero read strange science books of magic.
(c) What did Antonio want? 1
Answer: Antonio wanted the title of ‘Duke’ of Milan.
(d) What was the name of the king of Naples? 1
Answer: The name of the king of Naples was Alonso.
(e) Give opposite of Gender of ‘Duke’. 1/2
Answer: The opposite Gender of ‘Duke’ is
(f) Give the Noun form of ‘Decide’ 1/2
Answer: The Noun form of ‘Decide’ is ‘Decision’.
(3) A library is a place where we can borrow books. It usually contains books of all kinds- school books, story books, dictionaries and others. There are long rows of shelves on which the books are kept.
In some libraries we can go round and chose a book. In some other libraries, we have to go to the person who is in charge of the library. Then we tell him what book we want; we write the number of the book, its title and the name of the author on a place of paper. Then we can usually keep it for a week or perhaps two before we take it back to the library.
(a) What is a library? 1
Answer: A library is a place to borrow books.
(b) What types of books are usually found in library?
Answer: A library has all sorts of books – school books, story books, dictionaries and others.
(c) How can you borrow a book from the library?
Answer: In order to borrow books from a library one has to approach to the person in charge. Then all the information relating to the book has to be written on a paper to borrow the book.
(d) Pick out a word which means ‘a wooden furniture’ for keeping books’?
Answer: A wooden furniture for keeping books – shelves.