Monday 23 March 2020

An Anti-Malaria Drug is Now a Cure to Corona?

Should You Swallow Hydroxychloroquine Approved by ICMR too Early?

icmr ,approves, hydroxycholoquine

India, 23rd Mar, 2020: World, at this moment is fighting tough against deadly Covid-19 caused by SARS-COV-2. The almost unsalvageable SARS-COV-2 is so far a headache for the scientists as they are not able to successfully test a vaccine. But research is going on everywhere to combat the disease at en early phase.
  In Indian context, the corona positive patients rose to a total of 455 as of today also recording a death toll of 8 patients. In the wake of situation getting worse, the Indian Council for Medical Research (ICMR), has recently approved an Anti-Malarial pill called Hydroxycholorine for using it in high degree corona cases. As there is no definite medicine for Noval Corona, this medicine is able to show some good results. 
  As soon as this news started appearing everywhere, people started thinking that Hydroxycholoquine is the saviour. They did rush to pharmacies to buy a plenty of strips of Hydrocholoquine. But just wait a minute, the medicine Hydroxycholoquine has been used as the last resort in high degree cases. The World Health Organization has not confirmed it to be the passive cure for Covid-19. So, Hydroxychloroquine is a figure among ciphers.

  Now, the confused and fearing people will not think twice before consuming this medicine even if they have allied symptoms of noval corona or any other alike symptoms of corona. The most important thing to remember here is that not every flu is corona. So, do not panic and never be your own doctor. If you begin sneezing and have a mild heat of fever, do not ever buy and consume Hydrocholoquine all by yourself. The thing is different if your physician asks you to do so. 

  This confusion came to our notice when one of our visitor raised this question in the comment box below one of the posts. So, we decided to make everyone aware of it. Because your inside fear kills you more than the actual occurings.
icmr approves hydroxycholoquine
A Viewer Asking us Whether He Should Use Cholroquine
Before you panic, you should know about the symptoms and prevention of Corona