Tuesday 19 October 2021

Lesson 5 | Our Classroom all questions answers | Class 3 English

 Lesson - 5 Our Classroom all questions answers | Class 3 English | Sankardev Shishu Niketan Solutions | Assam


Lesson - 5 Our Classroom all questions answers | Class 3 English | Sankardev Shishu Niketan Solutions | Assam
Lesson 5 | Our Classroom  all questions answers | Class 3 English


This is our classroom. The name of the classroom is Lachit Kaksha. Lachit Borphukan was a great general of Assam. His soldiers defeated the Mughal invaders.

That is the blackboard on the wall. There are five charts on the wall. There is a table. The teacher keeps the books on it. A chair is there for her. There are ten pairs of desks and benches in the classroom. The students keep their bags on the desks. They sit on the benches.

Srimati Preeti Choudhury is our class teacher. We call her Acharya. She is not sitting now. She is standing by the side of the blackboard. She is writing on the blackboard. She teaches us English.

We are looking at the blackboard. Some students are writing their lessons. They write with pens. We never use a ball pen.

We keep our classroom clean. We always attend classes. We learn the lessons. We respect our teachers. They love us.

Learn the words:

Soldier  Teach  Love  Lesson

General  learn  Respect  Chart

Invader  keep  Look at  Blackboard

Lesson 5 Our Classroom Questions | Answers

A. Answer the following:

 1. What is the name of your classroom?

Answer:The name of my classroom is Lachit Kaksha.

2. How many charts are there in your classroom?

Answer: There are 5 charts in my classroom.

3. How many pairs of desks and benches are there?

Answer: There are ten pairs of desks and benches in the classroom.

4. Do you go to school always?

Answer: Yes, i always go to school.

5. Do you respect your teachers?

Answers: Yes, i respect my teachers.

6. Do your teachers love you?

Answer: Yes, my teachers love me.

7. Who was Lachit Borphukan?

Answer: Lachit Borphukan was a great general of Assam.

2. Transform the following sentences as shown in the example


The teacher teaches us

- The teacher is teaching us.

Remember: Sit - sitting, Write - writing, Come - coming

(i) She comes - she is coming

(ii) He sits on the bench - He is sitting on the bench.

(iii) Mother cooks rice - Mother is cooking rice.

(iv) An old man walks on the road - An old man is walking on the road.

(v) The teacher writes on the blackboard - The teacher is writing on the blackboard.

(vi) Mainu read a book - Mainu is reading a book.

(viii) The students look at the chart - The students are looking at the chart.

(ix) They dance on the stage - They are dancing on the stage.

(x) Deba helps me - Deba is helping me.

3. Make three sentences using the word 'never'.


(i) I don't tell a lie - I never tell a lie.

(ii) I don't sleep at day time - I never sleep at day time.

(iii) We don't write on the wall - We never write on the wall.

(iv) We don't talk in the class - We never talk in the class.

(v) They don't go to cinema - They never go to cinema.


4. Fill up the blanks with preposition (in,on,of,above,under)

(i) A book is on the table.

(ii) There are books in my bags.

(iii) This book is of my friend.

(iv) There is an owl on the tree.

(v) The fan is moving above me.

(vi) My pencil is under my box.

(vii) The duster is in Achary's hand.

(viii) I have faith on you.

(ix) This spoon is made of steel.

(x) He sits under the fan.

5. Make three pairs of sentences using the words 'That' and 'this'

Example -

That is a chart | This is a pen

(i) That is a cow | This is our classroom

(ii) That is a boy | This is my pen

(iii) That is a blackboard | This is a box.

6. Make three pairs of sentences using 'They' and 'Their'.

Example -

They have a cow | That is their cow

(i) They are going somewhere | That is the place i loved the most 

(ii) They have a big bull | That big bull is very dangerous.

(iii) They are playing | That is a playground

7. Write sentences using the following sets of words:

(i) is, our, beautiful, classroom

Answer: Our classroom is beautiful.

(ii) our, respect, teachers, we

Answer: We respect our teachers.

(iii) classroom, our, keep, we, clean

Answer: We keep our classroom clean.

(iv) defeated, the, Lachit, Mughal 

Answer: Lachit defeated the Mughal.

(v) with pen i a write

Answer: I write with a pen.

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