Tuesday 12 October 2021

Lesson 8 | Down the rabbit hole all questions answers | Reader 3

 Lesson 8 | Down the rabbit hole all questions answers | Reader 3 


Lesson 8 | Down the rabbit hole all questions answers | Reader 3
Lesson 8 | Down the rabbit hole all questions answers | Reader 3





1. Who said, 'oh dear! oh dear! I shall be late!'? What did he have in his pocket?

Answer: Rabbit said 'Oh dear! oh dear! I shall be late!".

Rabbit had a watch in his pocket.

2. Why was Alice burning with curiosity?

Answer: Alice was burning with curiosity because she had never seen a rabbit with a waistcoat-pocket or a watch to take out of it.

3. Why did Alice have plenty of time to thank as she fell down the well?

Answer: Alice had a plenty of time to think as she fell down the well because either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down.

4. What was unusual about the sides of the well?

Answer: The sides of the well was unusual because  they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves, maps and pictures were hung upon pegs.

5. Did Alice get hurt when she fell to the bottom of the well? Why/Why not?

Answer: Alice was not a bit hurt because when the fall was over she came upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves, she jumped up on to her feet in a moment.


B. Complete the following sentences.

1. Alice was disappointed because - The jar she picked from one of the shelves was empty.

2. According to Alice, the centre of the earth is - four thousand miles down.

3. Alice had a cat named - Dinah

4. Alice asked her cat if - Cats eats bats?

5. Alice felt sad because - the door all round the hall were locked she was wondering how she was ever to get out again.


A. What sounds do the following make? Choose the correct sounds from the box.

1. a key  turning in a lock - click

2. a person who suddenly gets hurt - ouch

3. a stone thrown into a river - plop

4. a cow - moo

5. a bee flying around - buzz

6. the ringing of a bell - ding-dong

B. Can you pick out one sound word from this lesson? Who made this sound and why?

- Thump! Thump! This was made by Alice as she came down upon a heap of sticks and dry leaves.


 There are indefinite articles (a,an) and a definite article (the).

We use the indefinite article a before words that begin with a consonant sound.

We use the indefinite article an before words that begin with a vowel sound.

Indefinite articles are used when we make a general statement.

I saw a small boy eating an apple this morning.

A definite article is used when we make a specific statement.

I saw the small boy eating the red apple from the big box

Fill in the blanks with the correct articles.

1. The capital of India is Delhi.

2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

3. The Rajdhani express is a very fast train.

4. A stitch in the time saves nine.

5. Mt. Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

6. Have you visited an island?


A. Notice the sound of the letter a in the following words. 

1. April (ay-pril) 

2. table (tay-ble)

3. fable (fay-ble)

4. crayon (cray-on)

Say the following a words which have the ay sound.

Date - Date

Pain - pay-in

Paper - Pay-per

B. Notice how some words spelt with ei have the long ay sound.

  1. weigh (w-ay)
  2. eight (ay-t)
  3. neighbour (n-ay-bour)
  4. vein (v-ay-n)

Say the following ei words which have the long ay sound.

Sleigh - Sle-ay

Rein - Rein

Beige - B-ay-ge



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