Friday, 22 October 2021

The Arrow and the Song poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English

Lesson 3 | The Arrow and The Song poem Questions and Answers | Class 7 English Solutions Sankardev Shishu Niketan Assam

The Arrow and the Song poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English
The Arrow and the Song poem Questions and Answers

In this post, we will share Sankardev Shishu Niketan School Assam Class 7 English Questions Answers. I hope this post will help you in understanding the poem and also in your exam preparation. The arrow and the song is a very famous lyrical poem, the poet of this poem is Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Arrow and the Song

 I shot an arrow into the air, 

It fell to earth, I knew not where; 

For, so swiftly it flew, the sight 

Could not follow it in its flight. 

I breathed a song into the air, 

It fell to earth, I knew not where; 

For who has sight so keen and strong, 

That it can follow the flight of song? 

Long, long afterward, in an oak 

I found the arrow, still unbroke; 

And the song, from beginning to end, 

I found again in the heart of a friend. 

-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Arrow and the song questions answer class 7


(a) Swiftly: quickly

(b) keen: sharp

(c) flight: in motion

(d) oak: a huge tree

(e) follow: to come and go after in the same direction.

Working with the poem 

1. It fell to earth, I knew not where 

(a) What is the 'it'? 

Answer: Here 'it' refers to the arrow.

(b) How did it fall? 

Answer: It falls very swiftly.

(c) Why did the person not know where it fell? 

Answer: The person was unsure where it fell because the arrow flew so swiftly that the person could not follow its flight.

2. 'I found the arrow still unbroke'. 

(a) Which 'arrow' does the poet talk about? 

Answer: The poet of this poem in the last stanza talks about the same arrow which he shot earlier. Finally, he found the arrow which was still whole, not broken.

(b) When did he find it? 

Answer: After a long long period of time The poet found that the arrow which he shot earlier.

(c) What does 'still unbroke' mean'? 

Answer: Here by the term 'Still unbroke' the poet means that the arrow had possibly hit the target and it is still a whole not damaged.

3 Give a word from the poem that rhymes with each of the following Words:

(a) sight: Flight.

(b) strong: Song

(c oak: unbroke

(d) end:  friend

4. Fill in the blanks using a word from the poem: 

i) The arrow was shot into the air.

ii) The poet could not follow the sight of the arrow. 

iii) He found the song in his friend's heart.

iv) He breathed a song into the air.

5. Answers the following questions: 

i) What did the poet do? 

Answer: The poet shot an arrow into the air.

i) Where did the arrow fall? 

Answer: The arrow fell somewhere on the earth.

ii) Where did the poet find the arrow? 

Answer: The poet found the arrow in an oak tree.

iv) Where did the poet find the song? 

Answer: The poet finds the song in the heart of his friend.

Working with language 

1. Look at the following sentence of the poem. 

I know not where. 

This is a negative sentence. This sentence can be made negative in the 

following way also-

I did not know where. 

Now make the following sentences negative as shown in the example given above. 

i) He paid the money by cheque.

Answer: He did not paid the money by cheque. 

ii) The boys come to school in time 

Answer: The boys do not come to school in time.

ii) She plays tennis. 

Answer: She does not play tennis.

iv) I have a toy pistol. 

Answer:  I do not have a toy pistol

2. Form proper adverbs from the following words: 

i) Swift - Swiftly

i) Careful - Carefully

ii) Quick - Quickly

iv) Blind - Blindly

v) Heart - Heartly

The Arrow and the Song poem Questions and Answers Class 7 English is Completed. Thanks for visiting.


  1. I breathed a song, what does the phrase

    1. it means he sang a song so he could be able to locate his arrow


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