Thursday 14 October 2021

Lesson 11 | The Little Railroad Hero all questions and answers | Reader 3 English

 Lesson 11 | The Little Railroad Hero all questions and answers | Reader-3


Lesson 11 | The Little Railroad Hero all questions and answers | Reader 3 English
Lesson 11 | The Little Railroad Hero all questions and answers




A. Answer the following questions briefly.


1. Who was Sher Singh? Where did he live? 

Answer: Sher Singh was a little boy, He lived in the countryside.

2. Was Sher Singh from a rich family?

Answer: No, He wasn't from a rich family.

3. What did Sher Singh do during the day?

Answer: During the day, Sher Singh used to take his father's goat and cattle to feed on the grass.

4. What did he watch often?

Answer: Sher Singh often stood and watch the huge black engines as they puffed past, giving out great clouds of steam and smoke.

5. What did he see on the railway line one day?

Answer: One day, when Sher Singh was crossing the line, he saw something strange, he saw huge stones were lying on the rails.

6. Why did he tear off half of his dhoti?

Answer:  Sher Singh had to stop the train to prevent the accident so he tore off his dhoti and made a big flag from it to give as a  danger signal to the driver.

7. Where did he stand and wave the flag and why?

Answer: Sher Singh stood right in the middle of the rail line, waving his flag from side to side to prevent the accident.

8. How did the driver warn Sher Singh to get out of the way?

Answer:The driver blew the whistle to warn Sher Singh to get out of the way.

9. What did Sher Singh do then?

Answer:  The driver blew the whistle to warn Sher Singh to get out of the way. but he did not moved an inch. The driver had no choice, he had to stop the train.

B. Answer the following questions in detail.


1. Give two reasons to show that Sher Singh was brave.

Answer: Following are the two reasons to show that Sher Singh was a brave boy -

a. Sher Singh stood right in the middle of the rail line, waving his flag from side to side to prevent the accident.

bThe driver blew the whistle to warn Sher Singh to get out of the way. but he did not moved an inch. 


2. Why do you think stones on the tracks are dangerous?

Answer: The stones on the tracks are very dangerous because a really big rock do have the capacity to derail the train, which would led to a major accident.

3. Why was the driver angry when he got out of the train?

Answer: The driver of the train was angry towards the boy because he thought that the boy had stopped the train as a prank.

4. What did the passengers do to reward Sher Singh for saving them?

Answer: The passengers praised Sher Singh for his courage and presence of mind. They took out their purses and collected a large sum of money for him as a reward for saving them.

5. What did Sher Singh go on to become?

Answer: Sher Singh went on to become an engine driver on the railway line where he had once stood and waived a flag to save a train.

C. Tick the correct option to complete each sentence.

1. He stood right in the middle of the line,

a. Shouting louder and louder.

b. Waving the flag to and fro.

Answer: b. Waving the flag to and fro.


2. The passengers got out of the train

a. to see what the matter was.

b. to get some fresh air.

Answer: a. to see what the matter was.


3. If the boy had not stopped the train,

a. they would have reached on time.

b. it would have led to a major accident. 

Answer: b. it would have led to a major accident. 



Fill in the blanks choosing the correct groups of words from the box.


1. Sher Singh showed great presence of mind when he tore off his dhoti and stopped the train.

2. If the engine driver had not acted in a flash the boy would have been killed.

3. The truth dawned on the passengers only when they got down from the train. 




Change the underlined words and rewrite each sentence to show that the action took place in the past. The first one has been done for you.


  1. Sher Singh is a little boy.

Answer: Sher Singh was a little boy. 

2. Everyday he looks after the sheep.

Answer: Every day he looked after the sheep.

3. One day he sees some stones on the railway track. 

Answer: One day he saw some stones on the railway track.

4. He knows the train is in danger.

Answer: He knew the train is in danger. 

5. He tears off his dhoti.

Answer: He tore off his dhoti. 

6. He uses it as a flag.

Answer: He used it as a flag.

7. He stops the train.

Answer: He stopped the train.

8. He saves the passengers.

Answer:  He saved the passengers.

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