Monday 4 October 2021

Lesson 7 | In the footsteps of Gandhiji | All questions answers | Reader 3

 Lesson 7 | In the footsteps of Gandhiji | All questions answers | Reader 3

Lesson 7 | In the footsteps of Gandhiji | All questions answers | Reader 3
Lesson 7 | In the footsteps of Gandhiji | All questions answers | Reader 3



A. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How old was Arun?

Answer:  Arun was twelve-years-old.

2.Which line tells us that Arun did well in his studies?

Answer: "Arun was a bright boy and enjoyed going to school". This lines tells us that Arun did well in his studies.

3.Who is the 'Father of the Nation"?

Answer:  Mahatma Gandhi is the 'Father of the Nation'.

4. Why did Arun wish to follow in Gandhiji's footsteps?

Answer:  Arun was inspired by the stories of Mahatma Gandhiji childhood. But what he admired most was the fact that Gandhiji loved truth and never told a lie. So Arun made up his mind to follow in his footsteps.

5. Why did Arun's mother become more ill with each day?

Answer: Arun's mother grew steadily worse as she could not afford to see a doctor.There was hardly anything to eat and no money at all for medicine. 

6. What did Arun first think of doing when he found the wallet?

Answer:  Arun was rejoiced and thought that he could finally afford a doctor and medicine for his mother.

7. What did Arun ask a reward for returning the wallet?

Answer:  Arun asked for Job as a reward for returning the wallet.

8. How did Arun's new friend help him?

Answer:  Arun's new friend was very much impressed by the honesty of Arun, he assured him that he will pay for the treatment of his ill mother. 

B. Answer the following question in detail.

1. How did Arun's mother earn a living?

Answer: Arun's mother used to work hard every day, cooking and cleaning homes to earn money.

2. Why do you think the owner of the wallet was surprised and then impressed when Arun returned the wallet? 

Answer: The owner of the wallet was surprised because he had given up all his hope of ever getting his lost money. On getting return his wallet back he was very much impressed by the honesty of twelve-year-old boy, he was delighted when a little boy walked up to him with the wallet.

3. Give at least two reasons why you think Arun was unselfish?

Answer: Arun was unselfish because, he was very kind hearted boy and the great admirer of Mahatma Gandhiji. 

4.Do you think Arun got the reward he deserved?

Answer: Yes, he got the reward he deserved. 


A. Choose words from the box which mean the same as the groups of words given below. The first one has been done for you.

1. Good at studying - Bright

2. woman whose husband is dead - widow.

3. one who follow the example of Gandhi - Gandhian

4. Was happy - rejoiced

5. without hesitation - promptly

6. could pay for - afford

7. worried - anxious 

B. Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate words from the box.

1. On my birthday, I eagerly opened the wrapped presents.

2. When the teacher asked him, he confessed that he had not spoken the truth.

3. When i heard the sad news, i was miserable.

4. Neha was tempted to go to the party.

Join the following sentences using as.

 1. Arun loved the stories about Gandhi. They inspired him.

Answer: Arun loved the stories about Gandhi as They inspired him.

2. He did not expect to find the wallet. It had money in it.

Answer:  He did not expect to find the wallet as It had money in it.

3. The boy was very sad. His mother was ill.

Answer:  The boy was very sad as His mother was ill.


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